A Woman’s Heart!

Let’s set  myths regarding the female heart straight! Test yourself and learn the truth, based on concrete medical data not emotions. Guys you can learn a lot about the TRUE female heart by reading below.

Q. Women commonly feel their heart racing during pregnancy.

A. TRUE! A significant number of cardiovascular changes occur during pregnancy, which may be accompanied by shortness of breath and a reduced tolerance for exercise. SO be understanding! During pregnancy, women expand their blood volume by approximately 30-50%. This is accompanied by an increase in output from the heart (cardiac output). The heart rate may also increase by 10-20 beats per minute. All changes peak in weeks 20-24 and usually completely resolves by 6 weeks after childbirth. Some EKG (electronic tracings) changes may occur, and some changes to the heart (cardiac) shadow (outline) can appear on a chest X-Ray. The following are most common:

  • Systolic blood pressure (top number or first number) can decreases 4-6 mm Hg.
  • Diastolic blood pressure (bottom, second number) can decreases 8-15 mm Hg.
  • Heart rate (pulse) increases 12-18 beats per minute.
  •  Cardiac output (heart work) increases 33-45%


Q. Are men over 65 more likely to get heart attacks than women over 65?

A. FALSE! Women constitute the majority of patients with coronary heart disease (CAD) in the elderly population, while men are the larger group under the age of 65 years. In patients aged 65 years or less, approximately 70–80% are male; between the ages 65 and 70, however the ratio is 50:50; in ages 70 to 80 years, 60% are female; and over the age of 80 years, 70% are female. Another key factor is that the elderly tend to have narrowing of multiple heart blood vessels as opposed to those under the age of 65. Single-vessel disease usually is seen at younger ages, but after the age of 65, the incidence of hardening of the arteries effects many of the heart’s blood vessels increases to 60–65%. Additionally, as we all  age, there is an increase in CAD, likelihood of congestive heart failure (CHF), and kidney (renal) problems.


Q. A Slow heart rate is better than fast?

A. TRUE! So strive to be calm lay off too much caffeine and all foods and activities that make you short of breath when you’ve a rapid pulse. First, WHAT IS FAST? Anything over 100 beats per minute (pulse) in the general population is considered ‘fast’, elevated’ or  increased’. Researchers in Japan who’ve been following a group of healthy women for 20 years report that those who had high heart rates at the start were twice as likely to become obese and they had a five times higher chance of  becoming diabetics.


Q. Use of oral contraceptive (OC) pills is safe for women of all ages?

A. FALSE! Newer generation OC formulations in use indicate no increased myocardial infarction risk for those taking them, however as was probable in old formulations of pills  there still is an  increased risk of clots in the veins (venous thrombo-embolism), of the legs and/or  lungs. Women 35 years and older should be assessed for cardiovascular risk factors including hypertension, smoking, diabetes, kidney disease, and other vascular diseases, including migraines, prior to use. Should you require surgery you must stop taking these pills a ways in advance, so be truthful with your physician.


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